⚙️Liquidity Provision Mechanics

Creating a Deposit Request

Creation of a deposit request is done by calling the createDeposit function in the Router smart contract.


function createDeposit(
        MarketId _id,
        address _owner,
        address _tokenIn,
        uint256 _amountIn,
        uint256 _executionFee,
        uint40 _stakeDuration,
        bool _shouldWrap
    ) external;


  • MarketId _id: A bytes32 value identifying the specific market being deposited into. MarketIds can be fetched through the MarketFactory smart contract by the calling getMarketForTicker function.

  • address _owner: The address of the creator of the deposit. Here you can simply pass in the address you're calling the function with.

  • address _tokenIn: The address of the deposit token. This should be either the WETH or USDC smart contract address for the specific chain the function is being called on.

  • uint256 _amountIn: The amount of tokens being deposited in the tokens respective base unit. For ETH / WETH, this will be 18 decimal places, and for USDC this will be 6 decimal places. E.g 1 USDC = 1000000.

  • uint256 _executionFee: The amount, in wei to pay to the keeper who executes the transaction. This value can be estimated by calling this function on the Gas smart contract and adding both values together.solidity

    function getExecutionFees(  
            address _priceFeed,  
            address _positionManager,  
            uint8 _action,  
            bool _hasPnlRequest,  
            bool _isLimit  
        ) external view returns (uint256 estimatedCost, uint256 priceUpdateCost);
  • bool _shouldWrap: This value should be false by default, unless the token being deposited is Ether.


  • 69be4eee Router_InvalidOwner: Owner should be msg.sender

  • a53687bb Router_InvalidAmountIn: Amount in can't be 0, and the execution fee + amountIn parameters must be accounted for correctly.

  • 1caef9c0 Router_InvalidTokenIn: _shouldWrap is incorrectly false.

  • 317ebaad Market_FailedToAddRequest: The request failed to add to storage for some reason. In this case, we'd suggest debugging with Tenderly and reporting the error within Discord.

Note: The function is payable, meaning you need to send the exact amount of ETH equal to the execution fee when calling this function.

Creating a Withdrawal Request

Creation of a withdrawal request is done by calling the createWithdrawal function in the Router smart contract.


function createWithdrawal(
        MarketId _id,
        address _owner,
        address _tokenOut,
        uint256 _marketTokenAmountIn,
        uint256 _executionFee,
        bool _shouldUnwrap
    ) external payable;


  • MarketId _id: A bytes32 value identifying the specific market being withdrawn from. MarketIds can be fetched through the MarketFactory smart contract by calling the getMarketForTicker function.

  • address _owner: The address of the creator of the withdrawal. Here you can simply pass in the address you're calling the function with.

  • address _tokenOut: The address of the token to receive upon withdrawal. This should be either the WETH or USDC smart contract address for the specific chain the function is being called on.

  • uint256 _marketTokenAmountIn: The amount of market tokens being withdrawn. This should be in the token's base unit (typically 18 decimal places for most tokens).

  • uint256 _executionFee: The amount, in wei, to pay to the keeper who executes the transaction. This value can be estimated by calling this function on the Gas smart contract and adding both returned values together:solidity

    function getExecutionFees(  
            address _priceFeed,  
            address _positionManager,  
            uint8 _action,  
            bool _hasPnlRequest,  
            bool _isLimit  
        ) external view returns (uint256 estimatedCost, uint256 priceUpdateCost)
  • bool _shouldUnwrap: This value should be true if you want to receive ETH instead of WETH, false otherwise.


  • 69be4eee Router_InvalidOwner: Owner should be msg.sender

  • a53687bb Router_InvalidAmountIn: MarketTokenAmountIn can't be 0

  • 1caef9c0 Router_InvalidTokenOut: The token out is not valid (must be USDC or WETH, or ETH if shouldUnwrap is true)

  • 317ebaad Market_FailedToAddRequest: The request failed to add to storage for some reason. In this case, we'd suggest debugging with Tenderly and reporting the error within Discord.

Note: The function is payable, meaning you need to send the exact amount of ETH equal to the execution fee when calling this function.

Executing Requests

Executing Deposit / Withdrawal Requests is extremely straight forward and only required 2 parameters.

function executeDeposit(MarketId _id, bytes32 _key) external payable;
function executeWithdrawal(MarketId _id, bytes32 _key) external payable;


  • MarketId _id: The id of the market that the deposit / withdrawal request is for.

  • bytes32 _key: The unique identifier (key) of the deposit / withdrawal request.

Both of these values can be easily retrieved from the following events on the Market smart contract.

From this event Market.RequestCreated the key can be retrieved:


event RequestCreated(bytes32 indexed key, address indexed owner, address tokenIn, uint256 amountIn, bool isDeposit);

Every time the event above fires, within the same block, these logs can also be found from the same transaction, but from the Router smart contract, to retrieve the marketId:

event DepositRequestCreated(bytes32 indexed marketId, address owner, address tokenIn, uint256 amountIn);
event WithdrawalRequestCreated(bytes32 indexed marketId, address owner, address tokenOut, uint256 amountOut);

After both the marketId and requestKey have been obtained, the position can easily be executed, given a price has been signed, which may take up to 30 seconds to occur.

Common Errors:

  • 69be95d5 MarketUtils_AmountTooSmall: The deposited / withdrawn amount is too insignificant.

  • 1c6b687e Vault_InsufficientAvailableTokens: Their aren't sufficient unreserved tokens to facilitate the withdrawal request.

  • 7a203bfd Vault_InvalidDeposit: The deposit request is invalid.

  • 7e8aeaf6 Vault_InvalidWithdrawal: The withdrawal request is invalid.

  • 633240a4 PriceFeed_PriceRequired(string memory token): The price hasn't been signed for the request yet.

Last updated